Wed 21 Feb 1934
Applications to rent Stonehouse Wharf from Mr A F Smith, brother-in-law of present sub-tenant and Mr Paynton, Stonehouse. Premises to be advertised in The Citizen.
Chairman and Clerk to attend Ministry of Transport conference on bridges at Shire Hall, Gloucester on 1 March.
New kitchen grate fitted in cottage at Framilode.
New entrance doors at Wallbridge Wharf satisfactory.
Letter from Minister of Agriculture & Fisheries, 6 February, confirming transfer scheme of River Severn Catchment Board. Navigation not affected.
Messrs Strachan & Co granted wayleave over Wallbridge Wharf for £5 p.a.
Clerk to ask Mr Stewart to suggest price for sale of part of wharf next to Mills at Lodgemore to Strachan & Co.
Mr A B Hooper no longer wished to continue as nominee for Reserve Fund. Investments to be transferred into names of Col J R Morton Ball, Major R J Caruthers-Little and Mr Stewart.
[1934 Feby 21] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of February 1934 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only three Members being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Stonehouse Wharf: Tenancy
The Clerk reported that the sub-tenant of the Wharf had informed him that it was his intention to vacate the premises on his obtaining a suitable house.
The following applications to rent the premises were considered, viz:- M^r A F Smith (brother-in-law of the present sub-tenant) and Mrs Payton of Stonehouse.
After discussion the Committee directed the Clerk to advertise the premises in the "Citizen".
A letter from the Ministry of Transport of the 25^th January was read also a letter of the 20^th February from the Clerk of the County Council and it was Resolved that the Chairman and the Clerk should attend the Conference at the Shire Hall, Gloucester, called for the 1^st March next.
Cottage at Framilode
The Clerk reported that a new kitchen grate had been fixed at this cottage as directed at the last Meeting of the Committee.
Wallbridge Wharf, Entrance Doors
The Clerk reported that the new doors had been fixed and were satisfactory.
Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
A letter from the Minister dated the 6^th February was read also a draft Order to confirm the transfer scheme of the River Severn Catchment Board submitted to him by the Board, the Clerk had inspected the draft scheme and it appeared that it did not affect this Navigation.
Wallbridge Wharf, Messrs Strachan & C^of
(1) It was agreed to grand Messrs Strachan & Coy a way-leave over the Wallbridge Wharf @ £5 per annum rent subject to the signing of the Companys usual Agreement to be prepared by the Companys Solicitors.
(2) As to the sale of part of the Wharf next to the Mills at Lodgemore the Clerk was directed to see M^r Steward and ascertain what price he would suggest.
Reserve Fund
A letter from Mr A B Hooper suggesting that he no longer wished to continue as nominee and it was Resolved that the Investments should be transferred into the names of the following Gentlemen: Col J R Morton Ball, Major R J Caruthers-Little and M^r M Stewart subject to their approval.
Canal Trade
A letter was read from M^r Butt of Saul re trade to the Wharf at Dudbridge & the Clerk was instructed to supply him with details of the tolls.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
C W Vicks, Canal Maintenance: 12..0
Ryeford Saw Mills, Canal Maintenance: 3..7..0
Edmunds Bros, Canal Maintenance: 7..6
PostMaster General Telephone Office: 3..6..2.
Jany 1^st 1934 to Feby 21 1934: 17..0..0
Jany 1^st 1933 to Feby 21 1933: 21..4..0.
For the month of January 1934: 15..7..3
For the month of January 1933: 12..15..6.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd, Stroud
1934: 355..16..11
1933: 380..-..4