Wed 15 Nov 1933
Watercourse at Eastington: Stoppage of canal at the Forkett Pound 27-30 November.
Letter from Messrs Abdella-Mitchell re charges for mooring three hulls against bank of canal. Mooring in Forkett Pound at Eastington. Charge for 57’6” vessel 3s 6d per week, for other two 2s 6d. Total 8s 6d per week. No responsibility on Company during transit or while moored.
About 30 feet of canal bank near Bond’s Mill required piling and sheeting. Materials to be obtained.
Letter from Canal Association re promotion of Bills for continuing increase of tolls. Sharpness New Docks Co to promote Bill and join Company if prepared to contribute to cost. Committee to do nothing.
[1933 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of November 1933 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little, Marcus Stewart, J R Morton Ball.
Cross Bridge at Stonehouse, West Gloucester Power Company
No report.
Premises at Stonehouse Wharf, Tenancy
The Committee directed that this matter should stand over until next Meeting.
Gloucestershire County Council: Watercourse at Eastington
In accordance with minute of last Meeting a letter had been sent to the County Council Highway's Committee a stoppage of the Canal at the Forkett Pound had been arranged to take place from the 27^th to the 30^th November and the Ministry of Transport had been notified accordingly.
Abdella=Mitchell Ltd, Brimscombe
A letter from Messrs Abdella-Mitchell was read asking for the Companys charges for mooring three hulls against the bank of the Canal where they would be secure from damage. The Clerk was instructed to reply that the Navigation could allow them to moor the hulls mentioned by them in the Forkett Pound at Eastington the charge for the 57' 6" vessel to be 3/6 per week & for each of the other two vessels 2/6 per week making a total of 8/6 per week; it to be understood that the Navigation could take no responsibility for the hulls either during transit down the Canal or while so moored and subject to the Company's right to lower the water in the pound mentioned whenever required in connection with its business.
Canal Banks near to Bond's MIll
The Clerk reported that about 30 feet of the bank required piling and sheeting, and was instructed to obtain the necessary materials and to carry out the work.
Canal Association: Canal (Continuance of Charging Powers) Acts 1920 & 1922
A letter was read from the Canal Association as to promotion of Bills to provide for continuing the increase of tolls and the Chairman reported that he had had a telephone message from M^r Cullis who stated that the Sharpness New Docks C^oy had decided to promote a Bill & would join this Company if it was prepared to make a contribution towards the cost of the Bill. The Committee decided that they could do nothing in the matter.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Postmaster General: 3..1..6.
July 1^st 1933 to Nov 15^th 1933: 69..11..7
July 1^st 1932 to Nov 15^th 1932: 104.. ..6.
Month of October 1933: 16..1..0
Month of October 1932: 13.. ..3.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1933: 314..17..1
1932: 365..5..3