Wed 18 Oct 1933
Messrs Wood & Son to vacate Stonehouse Bridge on 24 March.
County Council cleansing water course which discharged into Forkett Pound at Eastington. Water in Pound to be drawn to clear mud for about 300 yards up water course. Plan of water course needed. Notice of intended stoppage to Ministry of Transport and Traders. Banks often flooded in winter so mud should be spread well away from banks.
No action re Canal Charges Powers.
Company’s houses within Rent & Mortgages Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933 duly registered.
[1933 October] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of October 1933 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, J R Morton Ball.
The Memoranda of the proceedings at the Meetings March 1933 to September 1933 were confirmed.
Cross Bridge at Stonehouse
A letter was read from the West Gloucester Power Company stating that they would get into touch with the Navigation prior to any work being carried out.
Stonehouse Wharf
A notice was reported from Messrs Ward & Son Ltd of their intention to vacate the premises on the 24^th March next.
The Clerk was instructed to see M^r Ward.
Gloucestershire County Council
Watercourse at Eastington
A letter was read from the County Surveyor stating that the County Council were carrying out the cleansing of the Watercourse which discharged into the Forkett Pound at Eastington and that it would be necessary for water in the Forkett Pound to be drawn to enable them to clear the mud for a distance of about 300 yards up the Watercourse.
The Clerk was instructed to inform the County Surveyor that the Committee would afford the County Council every facility but would like to see a plan of the Watercourse, that Notice of any intended stoppage of the Canal had to be given to the Ministry of Transport and the Traders and that dates would have to be fixed when they wished the water in the Canal to be drawn off. The Clerk was also instructed to point out that the banks of the watercourse are often flooded in the winter and that it is important that any mud removed should be spread over ground well away from the banks otherwise it might get swilled back into the Wtercourse and so into the Canal.
Stroud Metal C^o, Water from the Canal
This matter to stand over.
Canal Charges Powers
A letter was read from the Canal Association as to the continuation of powers of charging and it was resolved that no action be taken in the matter.
Rent and Mortgage Interest Restrictions (Amendment) Act 1933
The Clerk reported that all the Company's houses coming within the Act had been duly registered.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Water Co Water rates Dudbridge & Eastington: 13..0
Q A B Eastington: 2..13..5
S Hopson Lodgemore Culvert: 2..11..3
B P Hooper & Sons Lodgemore Culvert: 10..6
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 4..16..5
Stroud Gas C^o (Tar) Canal Maintenance: 2..0
James & Owen: 7..6
Wheatenhurst R D C Rates: 1..10..9.
July 1^st 1933 to Oct 18 1933: 48..8..9
July 1^st 1932 to Oct 18 1932: 70..10..0.
Month of Sept 1933: 17..1..2
Month of Sept 1932: 16..18..4.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1933: 360..4..11
1932: 339..6..0