Wed 27 Sep 1933
New gate fitted at the cross fence by Coffin Weir.
Ryeford Saw Mills Co estimate of £8 10s for two larch balance poles for Double Lock and Bristol Road Lock accepted.
Field gates at Westfield and Bengough’s Bridges beyond repair. Ryeford Saw Mills Co.’s estimate of £3 accepted.
Letter from Mr Toogood re charge for pleasure boat, Junction to Stonehouse, return 7s 6d each way to cover lock keeper’s wages.
Messrs Stevens & Lewis to pay 1s 6d per week for tent on Dudbridge Wharf.
New grate fixed by Mr Hopson at Eastington Wharf £3 17s 6d estimate accepted.
Navigation to pay £1 1s subscription and £1 1s special levy to Canal Association.
West Gloucester Power Co asked permission to lay cables across Stonehouse Cross Bridge.
Lloyd’s Bank claimed shares nos.39,40,166, will of Henry Hamilton Mills.