Wed 17 May 1933
Property at Framilode to have match boarding against damp wall of Wathen’s cottage.
Dredging and piling of towing path to be carried out next to Wycliff College’s bathing station at Stonehouse. College to pay part of cost.
[1933 May] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 17^th day of May 1933 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, J R Morton Ball, Stanley Marling.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Meeting.
Property at Framilode
It was agreed to use match boarding against the damp wall of Wathan's cottage.
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd
No reply had been received to the Cos letter.
Lodgemore Culvert
It was reported that Mr Holbrough had not submitted any Estimate but hoped to do so before next Meeting of the Committee.
Wallbridge Wharf
M^r Acklain had written thanking the Committee for the permission they had granted him to use the Wharf and acknowledging that it could, at any time, be withdrawn.
Ministry of Agriculture & Fisheries
No report.
Canal at Stonehouse, Wycliffe College
The Clerk was instructed to carry out certain dredging and piling of the Towing path next the Bathing Station, the College having agreed to pay part of the cost of same.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
W Fredericks fuel Wharingers A/c: 1..10..0
F Cookley Tidesman's A/c: 2..5..0
Q A B Eastington: 2..13..5
Stroud Gas C^o Office Exs mar q: 9..9.
Jan 1 33 to May 17 33: 87..1..0
Jan 1 32 to May 17 32: 98..0..7.
Month of April 1933: 26..4..5
Month of April 1932: 27..3..2.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1933: 339..9..9
1932: 307..15..0