Wed 19 Apr 1933
Letter from Mr Hobrough re Lodgemore Culvert. Next Saturday water to be drawn off for Mr Hobrough to inspect culvert.
Mr Acklam of Lodgemore Mills given permission to drive his car through wharf.
Decision to dress outside walls of property at Framilode with Pudlo or similar. Car & General Insurance Co paid for repair of damage by water main at Wallbridge wharf house by Messrs Jeavons & Co.
Request from Messrs Ward & Son for reduction in rent for cabin and sign post at Stonehouse Wharf. Present rental on low side but Messrs Ward could remove cabin and sign post and save 12s 6d a year.
Ministry of Ag & Fish’s notice re application by River Severn Catchment Area to remove from the main river the Thames & Severn and Stroudwater Canals discussed. No action.
[1933 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 19^th day of April 1933 @ 4 o/clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, R J C Little, Henry R Hooper.
Wallbridge Wharf
The Chairman read a letter from the County Council re Wallbridge Wharf, and the permission asked for was granted.
Lodgemore Culvert
A letter from M^r Hobrough was read and the Clerk was directed to arrange for the next Saturday to draw off the water for Holbrough to inspect the culvert.
Wallbridge Wharf
Permission was granted to Mr Acklow of Lodgemore Mills to drive his car through the Wharf.
Framilode - Property
It was decided to dress the outside walls with Pudlo or similar preparation.
Wallbridge Warehouse: Messrs Jeavons & Coy
The Chairman reported that the Car & General Insurance Coy had paid for repair of the damage, and handed over M^r Beavers receipted account.
The late E P Little Esq
The Chairman read a letter from M^rs Little.
Stonehouse Wharf
A letter from Messrs Ward & Son Ltd asking for a reduction of the rent paid for cabin and sign post at Stonehouse Wharf was read the Clerk was instructed to reply that the Committee Considered that the present rental was on the low side by that Messrs Ward could remove the cabin and signpost and thus save 12.6 a year.
Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
The Ministry's Notice re the application made by the River Severn Catchment area to remove from the main river the Thames & Severn and Stroudwater Canals was discussed and it was decided to take no action.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Water Co Rates: 1..6..0
Stroud Gas C^o Office: 2..11
Stroud R D C Canal Maintenance: 4..10..0
Edmunds Bros Canal Maintenance: 5..3
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 5..16..3.
1^st Jany 33 to 19^th April 33: 67..13..1
1^st Jany 32 to 19^th April 32: 74..13..10.
Month of March 1933: 24..8..3
Month of March 1932: 17..13..8.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1933: 305..5..6
1932: 355..9..6