Wed 15 Mar 1933
New trough at Coffin Weir fixed.
Dead animal found by Pockett an ordinary water vole.
Letter from Mrs Hart of Framilode for use of Company’s property for fishing for elvers.
Saturday afternoon 11 March Clerk discovered that culvert carrying Painswick Stream at Lodgemore had burst, letting canal water through culvert into Lodgemore Mill pond and River Frome. Watchman at the Mills to lower gates to hold water back in stream and culvert to keep up level of canal. Chairman inspected it and saw Mr Stewart of Strachan & Co on Monday. Willing to keep gates down for pound to be kept full until August holidays. Mr Hobrough contractor, Gloucester, to inspect pound re repair.
Employees of County Council taking a water cart across Company’s wharf at Wallbridge to pump water from River Frome. No permission asked. Surface of wharf cut up. Clerk to write to County Surveyor.
[1933 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of March 1933 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Meeting.
Coffin Weir
The Clerk reported that the new Trough had been fixed.
Must Rats
The Ministry had informed the Company that the dead animal discovered by Pockett was an ordinary water vole.
A letter from Mrs Hart of Framilode re use of the Company's property for the purpose of fishing for Elvers was read: the Committee postponed discussion sine die.
Lodgemore Culvert
The Clerk reported that on Saturday afternoon 11^th March he discovered that the Culvert carrying the Painswick stream under the Canal at Lodgemore had burst letting the water from the Canal through the Culvert into the Lodgemore Mill pond and so into the River Frome.
He had seen the Watchman at the Mills and arranged for him to lower certain of the gates to hold the water back in the strean and Culvert with the object of keeping up the level of the canal. He had then reported the matter to the Chairman, who made an inspection on Monday morning and saw M^r Stewart of Strachan & Coy Ltd.
The Chairman reported his interview with M^r Stewart who intimated that he would be quite willing to keep his gates down so that the pound should be kept full, until the August holidays. It was resolved that the actual repair or replacement should be postponed accordingly but that Mr Snape should in the meantime endeavour to get M^r Hobrough, Contractor, Gloucester to come over when the pound could be lowered to make an inspection and suggest the best method of repair.
Wallbridge Wharf
The attention of the Committee had been drawn to the fact that employees of the County Council were taking a water cart across the Companys Wharf at Wallbridge for the purpose of pumping water from the River Frome and that no permission had been asked for this use, the Committee considered that whilst no wishing to inconvenience the Council its consent should have been obtained and some acknowledgement made as the surface of the Wharf had been rather badly cut up by this user. The Clerk was directed to write to the County Surveyor on the subject.
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
Jan 1 33 to March 15 33: 49..11..1
Jan 1 32 to March 15 32: 51..5..10.
Month of February 1933: 23..16..11
Month of February 1932: 21..19..4.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1933: 336..3..5
1932: 364..19..1