Wed 15 Feb 1933
Fixing of trough in hand at Coffin Weir, Whitminster.
Work in had on Stonehouse Cross Bridge and Wharf House at Wallbridge, work in hand.
Tidesman Pockett discovered dead animal, presumably a musk rat. Clerk notified Ministry.
Key and Agreement handed in for Warehouse at Dudbridge. Rent paid to 25 December 1932.
Clerk to see to replacement of boundary stones by LMS Railway Co at Bath Road, Stroud.
[1933 Feby] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of February 1933 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Stanley Marling, G A Evans, R J C Little.
The Memoranda of the proceedings at the Meetings held on the 16^th November 1932, 21^st December 1932, 25^th Jany 1933 were confirmed.
Coffin Weir, Whitminster
The Clerk reported that the fixing of the Trough was in hand.
Stonehouse Cross Bridge
A letter was put in from the Surveyor of the Stroud R D C stating that he would arrange for the work to be put in hand.
Wharf House at Wallbridge
The Chairman stated that the Companys claim had been settled and the work had been commenced.
Musk Rats
Tidesman Pockett having reported that he had discovered a dead animal which he presumed to be a Musk Rat the Clerk had notified the Ministry accordingly.
Warehouse at Dudbridge
The Clerk reported that M^r Mourbey's son had handed over the keys and agreement and had also paid the rent to 25^th Dec 1932.
Nothing more had been heard from M^r Pritchard nor had he sent in any references.
L M S Railway - Boundary Stones, Bath Road, Stroud
It was left to the Clerk to see to the replacement of present boundary stones by the Railway Coy.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
Jan 1 33 to Feby 15 33: 21..4..0
Jan 1 32 to Feby 15 32: 26..14..6.
Month of January 1933: 121..15..6
1932: 18..14..6.
1933: 380..0..4
1932: 374..17..9