Wed 25 Jan 1933
Continuation from page 423
Piling carried out on Aqueduct at Whitminster.
Hubbard Bros Stonehouse requested reduction in cost of water supply. Charge of £5 5s reduced to £3 10s.
Young musk rat found and killed at Framilode in Mr Cookley’s coal yard. Report to Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries
Following decease of Mr Mourbey Clerk to get Agreement and key for warehouse at Dudbridge from Mr Mourbey’s son and equest for rent to date. Mr Pritchard of Ebley applied for warehouse.
Death of Mr E P Little, who served on Board fro 47 years.
of the Wharf House at Wallbridge causing considerable damage to the structure. Messrs Jeavons had been given notice that the Company would hold them responsible for all damage caused to the property. A formal acknowledgement of the letter had been received.
Aqueduct at Whitminster Piling
Towing Path Bank at Stonehouse Piling
The Clerk reported that the piling had been carried out.
Hubbard Bros Stonehouse Water Supply
A request by Messrs Hubbard Bros for a reduction to be made in the annual charge of £5..5..0 was considered and the Committee agreed to reduce the charge to £3..10..0 per annum after next year.
Must Rats
The Clerk reported that a young Musk Rat had been found and killed at Framilode in the coal yard belonging to Mr Cookley. This had been reported to the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
Wharehouse at Dudbridge M^r Mourbey deceased
The Clerk was directed to get the Agreement and key from M^r Mourbey's son and to ask him for rent to date of getting it.
M^r Pritchard of Ebley had applied for the Warehouse, the Clerk was instructed to take up his references.
The late E P Little Esq
The Chairman referred to the loss sustained by the Committee in the death of M^r E P Little who had served on the Board for 47 years. He suggested that a resolution be passed expressing their regret and high appreciation which was done, and he was deputed to convey to the family of their late colleague the sincere condolences of the Committee.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Gloucestershire Newspapers: 1..6..0
C W Vick Maintenance of Canal: 15..0
Stroud U D C Rates: 10..11..4
Stroud R D C Rates: 1..11..6
S Hopson Buildings: 21..4..10
James & Owen Stationery: 10..1
The PostMaster General Telephone: 2..12..5
F Cookley Tidesman: 2..4..8