Wed 16 Nov 1932
Weeding of Framilode Pound with assistance of Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Co.
Clerk to carry out further puddling to leaky bank in Framilode Pound and report.
Coffin Weir, Whitminster: Mr Dowdeswell agreed to trench through his land to Rean from weir course.
Mr Perks asked for WC at Wharf House at Dudbridge to be put outside wash house. Mr Perks to pay 10% on estimate.
Mr Hopson ha started outside painting of wharf house at Wallbridge.
Bank at Bond’s Mill, Stonehouse needs immediate repair.
Mr Toogood enquired charge for mooring 16 foot pleasure boat at Junction.
[1932 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of November 1932 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, J R Morton Ball, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Framilode Pound
The Clerk reported that the weeding of the Framilode Pound had been undertaken, the Gloucester & Berkeley Canal Coy had assisted in the work.
Framilode Pound, Leaky Bank
The Clerk was instructed to carry out further puddling and to report.
Coffin Weir Whitminster
It was reported that M^r Dowdeswell had agreed to a trench being cut through his land to the Rean from the weir course.
The Clerk was authorized to carry out the repairs necessary.
Wharf House at Dudbridge
A letter from M^r Perks was read asking for the WC at the Wharf House to be put outside the Wash-house. The Clerk was instructed to obtain an Estimate, to report to the Chairman, the work to be carried out on M^r Perks agreeing to pay 10% on the estimated outlay.
Wharf House at Wallbridge
The Clerk reported that M^r Hopson had carried out some of the work, outside painting.
Bank at Bonds Mill, Stonehouse
The Clerk was instructed to at once carry out the repair necessary at this place.
Pleasure Boat, Mooring
A letter was put in form M^r Toogood enquiring the Companys charge fro Mooring a 16' power boat at the Junction.
The Clerk was directed to enquire further particulars.
Committee fees: 1..12..6
T H & J Daniels Ltd Stonehouse Swing Bridge: 4..5..0
Stroud Water Coy Water: 13..0
Wheatenhurst R D C Rates:2..-..3
S Hooper Buildings: 3..-..-.
July 1^st 32 to Nov 16 32: 104..0..6
July 1^st 31 to Nov 16 31: 117..15..6.
Month of October 1932: 13..-..3
Month of October 1932: 28..14..11.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Stroud
1932: 365..5..3
1932: 307..5..7