Wed 21 Sep 1932
Mr Hopson to repair lock house wall at Framilode.
Mr Byard carried out work at his cottage.
Stroud Urban District Council put in overflow pipe at Wallbridge.
Clerk to reply to Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries. No traces of muskrats in canal so far.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge king post broken. Messrs Daniels’ estimate for new post £45 accepted.
Mr Cookley, coal merchant, Saul, complained re condition of Framilode Pound. Inconvenience to boats. Clerk to repair canal bank at Junction Inn, Saul.
[1932 Sept] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of September 1932 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, G A Evans.
Only three Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Building Repairs
The Clerk reported that Mr Hopson would shortly undertake the repair of the Lock-house wall at Framilode.
M^r Byard had carried out the work at the cottage he rented.
Stroud U D Council
The Council had put in the overflow pipe at Wallbridge referred to in Minute of last Meeting.
Musk Rats
A communication was put in from the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries to which the Clerk was instructed to reply that no traces of the animal had been found on the premises of the Canal so far.
Stonehouse Swing Bridge
The Clerk reported that a King Post on this bridge had been broken, after discussion it was decided to accept Messrs Daniel's estimate of £4..5..0 for a new King Post.
Canal Weeding, Framilode Pound
A letter was read from Mr Crookley Coal Merchant, Saul, complaining that the present condition of the Framilode pound caused inconvenience to his boats.
The Clerk was instructed to see M^r Cookley.
Canal Bank at Saul
The Clerk was instructed to repair the Canal Bank at Saul, next to the "Junction Inn", which was stated to be leaky.
Committee fees: 1..12..6.
July 1^st 1932 to Sept 21^st 1932: 46..16..10
July 1^st 1931 to Sept 21^st 1931: 64..1..1.
Month of August 1932: 11..18..1
Month of August 1931: 12..4..2.
Cash at Bank:
1932: 356..8..3
1931: 242..19..3