Wed 15 Jun 1932
Repair of bank of River Frome at Saul in hand.
Outside painting of Wharf house at Wallbridge, estimate £6 17s 6d, left till weather more suitable. Guttering attended to.
[1932 June] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th June 1932 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, J R Morton Ball, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Meeting.
River Frome at Saul: Repair of Bank
The Clerk reported that the work would shortly be commenced.
Cottage at Double Locks: Inside repairs
The Clerk reported that the work had been done in accordance with M^r S Hopson's estimate amounting to £2..10..0.
Wharf-house at Wallbridge: Outside painting Estimated £6..17..6
The Committee decided not to do anything until the weather was more suitable.
The Clerk reported that the guttering of the house had recently been attended to.
Next Meeting
It was Ordered that the next Meeting of the Committee be held at Wallbridge on the 27^th July1932 @ 4 o'clock pm and the General Half Yearly Meeting @ 4.30 pm on same day.
Jany 1^st 1932 to June 15 1932: 125..12..9
Jany 1 1931 to June 15 1931: 164..0..5.
For the Month of May 1932: 27..6..11
For the Month of May 1931: 24..8..4.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1932: 297..12..7
1931: 191..15..7.
Cheques drawn:
Stroud U D C rates: 10..14..2
Greville-Hygate & Co Q A B Eastington Com^ttee N^o 4: 2..13..5
B J Hooper & Sons: Piles for River Bank at Saul: 3..0..0
Committee fees: 1..12..6