Wed 20 Apr 1932
Dredging in hand.
Clerk met local surveyor for Commissioners of Sewers to discuss the River Frome at Saul. Some overhanging projections in bank to be sheared off and repairs made to piling of canal bank against River. Clerk to obtain necessary piles and sheeting.
[1932 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 20^th day of April 1932 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, J R Morton Ball, R J C Little.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Cottage at Framilode: Tenancy
It was reported that the Tenancy Agt with Mr John Byard had been completed.
Dredging the Canal
It was reported that in accordance with Minute of January last the dredging had been put in hand.
River Frome at Saul
The Clerk reported a Notice from the Commissioners of Sewers that he had met the local Surveyor on the spot and had arranged to shear off some overhanging projections in the bank.
Piling Canal Bank against the River Frome at Saul: Repairs
The Clerk was authorized to obtain the necessary piles & sheeting: the work to be carried out at first opportunity. The question of prices in the estimates submitted to be enquired into by the Clerk & to report to the Chairman.
1^st Jan 1932 to 20^th April 1932: 74..13..10
1^st Jan 1931 to 20^th April 1931: 93..5..3.
Month of March
1932: 17..13..8
1931: 21..2..7.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd
1932: 355..9..6
1932: 217..0..9.
Cheques drawn: Committee fees: 1..12..6
N G Witchell Tax: 8..4..10
F Miles Tax: 11..8..5