Wed 16 Mar 1932
Cottage at Framilode let to Mr Byard of Gloucester at £6 p.a.
[1932 March] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 16^th day of March 1932 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper.
Only two Members of the Committee being present there was no Quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention, it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Committee.
Cottage at Framilode: Tenancy
It was decided to let the Cottage to M^r Byard of Gloucester @ £8 a year rent subject to the signing of Agreement on the Company's usual terms.
Canal A/cs: Ministry of Transport
The Clerk was directed to request Messrs Dudbridge & Son the Companys Auditors to supply a copy of the Companys A/cs to the Ministry of Transport.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
Stroud Gas C^o (Maintenance): 3..0
Ryeford Saw Mills (Maintenance): 3..3..3.
Jany 1^st 1932 to March 16 1932: 51..5..0
Jany 1^st 1931 to March 16 1931: 71..17..1.
Month of February 1932: 21..19..4
Month of February 1931: 25..15..6.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1932: 364..19..1
1932: 162..7..4