Wed 18 Nov 1931
Report of interview with Mr Gardom and Council’s expert at Wallbridge office re T&S Canal. Terms suggested to be agreed subject to Counsel’s opinion.
Committee expect £30 a year rent from Stroud Gas Co.
Letter from Mr Stallard, Clerk of Severn Fishery Board asking weeds to be cut in canal between Walk Bridge and Framilode. Maintained by Sharpness New Docks Co from Walk Bridge to point below lock at Junction. Allowed £2 10s for Company’s part to Framilode.
.Agreement with Mr Wathan for cottages at Framilode. Mr Gardner objected to Company’s terms and Mr Price of Saul withdrew his application. Mr Price relieved of liabilities on payment of £1 1s towards costs involved.
[1931 Nov] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 18^th day of November 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, J R Morton Ball, Henry R Hooper, R J C Little.
Only four Members of the Committee being present there was no quorum, but there being some matters requiring immediate attention it was decided to proceed with them subject to confirmation by the next Meeting.
Thames & Severn Canal
The Chairman reported the interview he and Col Ball had had with M^r Gardom and the Councils Expert at the Wallbridge Office.
The Committee Resolved that the terms suggested be agreed to subject to Councels opinion.
Gas House Lane - Bridge
The Committee decided that this matter be postponed.
Well at Framiload: M^r Purcell
A letter was read from Mr Purcell acknowledging the Company's cheque for £2..0..0.
Gas Mains:-
The Clerk was instructed to inform the Stroud Gas C^oy that the Committee would accept £30 a year rent in the terms mentioned in their letter of the 11^th Nov 1931.
Severn Fishing Board
A letter from Mr Stallard, Clerk of of the Fishery Board was read asking that the weeds be cut in the Canal between Walk Bridge and Framilode.
The Clerk was instructed to inform M^r Stallard that the Canal waterway from Walk Bridge to a point below the Lock at the Junction is maintainable by the Sharpness New Docks C^oy, but in the circumstances the Committee would allow the Board £2..10..0 in respect of the Company's part down to Framilode.
Cottages at Framilode
The Clerk reported that the Tenancey Agreement with Mr Wathan had been completed.
Mr Gardner had objected to the Company's terms and Mr Price of Saul had withdrawn his application. In the latter case an agreement had been engrossed in duplicate for signature.
It was Resolved that Mr Price be relieved of his liability on payment of £1..1..0 towards the costs incurred, the offer to be made without prejudice to the Companys rights.
Cheques drawn: £ s d
Committee fees: 1..12..6
F C Gardner Rates Framilode: 2..13..5
J Romans & C^o Ltd Canal Maintenance: 6..3
Ryeford Saw Mills Canal Maintenance: 19..11.
July 1^st to Nov 18/31: 117..15..6
July 1^st to Nov 18/30: 128..17..1.
Month of October 1931: 28..14..11
Month of October 1930: 36..6..10.
Balance at the Bank
1931: 307..5..7
1930: 121..2..9