Wed 21 Oct 1931
Gas House Lane Bridge: Repairs to be made to existing bridge. Erection of new bridge postponed. Clerk to ask Messrs Daniels re any alteration in prices 24 February.
Cottage at Framilode occupied by Mr T Taylor let to Mr Wathan at £8 p.a.
Clerk to return list of areas marked by Catchment Boards under Land Drainage Act 1930 to Canal Association.
Lee Conservancy Board asked for contribution towards costs of Derating Appeals. No funds available.
£2 contribution to well at Framilode.
Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 21^st day of October 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam. R J C Little, Stanley Marling, Henry R Hooper, J R Morton Ball.
The Memorandum of the proceedings at the Meeting held on the 23^rd September 1931 was confirmed.
Thames & Severn Canal
In accordance with the minute of the last Meeting a letter had been sent to the County Council agreeing to an interview with the Councils Engineer at the Wallbridge Office.
Gas House Lane Bridge
It was decided to do some repairs to the existing bridge and to postpone the erection of a new bridge until next year
The Clerk was directed to inquire of Messrs Daniels if any alteration had or would be likely to be made in the prices submitted on the 24^th February last.
Cottages as Framilode
It was decided to let the Cottage now occupied by Mr T Taylor to M^r Wathan @ £8 a year rent & to let Wathan's cottage to M^r Gardner also at £8 a year rent subject, in both cases, to the signing of Agreements to the Companys usual terms.
Canal Association - Catchment Boards & Land Drainage Act 1930
The Clerk was directed to return the list of Areas marked as requested to the Secretary of the Association.
Lee Conservancy Board: Contribution towards cost of Derating appeals
The Committee instructed the Clerk to inform the Lee Conservancy Board that they had no funds available.
Well at Framilode: M^r Purcell
M^r Purcell having written enclosing the A/c he had paid for recent repairs to the Well and the Committee having decided at the Meeting on the 17^th December 1930 to make some contribution It was Resolved to contribute the sum of £2..-.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6
S Hopson Buildings & Canal Maintenance: 12..11...8
Stroud Water Coy Water Rates Wallbridge & Eastington: 0..13..0
F Miles Rates Eastington Depôt: 2..0..11
Greville Heygate & C^o Tithe Eastington: 2..13..5
PostMaster General Telephone: 2..15..11.
July 1 to Oct 21/31: 83..9..0
July 1 to Oct 21/30: 94..18..3.
Month of September 1931: 33..17..8
Month of September 1930: 24..3..10.
Cash at Lloyds Bank Ltd Stroud
1931: 279..11..8
1930: 95..12..5