Wed 22 Jul 1931
Stonehouse Wharf House roof gutters, skylight and wash house roof to be repaired by Company’s workmen.
Stroud Divisional Labour Club Ltd granted yse of canal for bathing and boating. £2 rent for bathing, 10s for each pleasure boat.
Notice from Court of Sewers re River Frome at Saul.
Letter from tidesman Pockett re boys angling in canal at Framilode Lock. Clerk to write to Mr Stallard, Clerk of Severn Fishery Board.
Mr Hopson’s estimates for repairs at No.13 Wallbridge accepted. Lean to £6 15s, wall £3 15s, verges £1 2s 6d.
Clerk instructed to write to Stroud Gas Co re new gas main laid in towing path from Downfield to Wallbridge, half a mile. Extra rent payable. £5 per mile of pipe. £2 10s a year.
Stroud Gas Co thought Stroud Urban District Council should contribute towards cost of new bridge at Downfield.
Minutes continued on page 393
[1931 July] Committee Meeting held on Wednesday the 22^nd July 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam, Henry R Hooper, Jack Margetson, K R Morton Ball, Stanley Marling.
The Memoranda of the proceedings of the Meetings held on the 20^th may and 17^th June were confirmed.
Stonehouse Wharf house
The Clerk mentioned that the roof gutters, skylight and Wash-house roofs required repairs, the work would be carried out by the Companys own men.
Thames & Severn Canal
A letter was read from the Ministry of Transport, and after discussion it was decided to leave it to the Chairman and Col Ball to settle a reply thereto.
Stroud Divisional Labour Club Ltd
A letter was read enquiring whether the Company would grant the use of the Canal for bathing and boating.
After discussion it was decided to grand permission on the Club paying £2 rent for bathing and the Companys usual charge of 10/- for each pleasure boat put on the Canal. The Chairman undertook to arrange an interview with the Secretary of the Club.
River Frome at Saul: Court of Sewers
With reference to the Notice from the Court of Sewers, the Clerk was instructed to do the necessary work.
Framilode Lock
A letter was read from Tidesman Pockett re boys angling in the Canal at Framilode Lock. The Clerk was instructed to write Mr Stallard, the Clerk of the Severn Fishery Board.
Wallbridge Office
M^r Hopson's estimate for the following repairs at No 13 Wallbridge was accepted:
Lean to: £6..15..0
Wall: 3..15..0
Verges: 1..2..6.
Stroud Gas Coy
The Clerk was instructed to write to the Gas Coy with reference to the new gas main laid in the Towing Path of the Canal from Downfield to Wallbridge a distance of about half a mile, and to inform the Gas Company that the extra rent payable by them, at the rate of £5..- per mile of pipe provided in the Gas Company's Act of Parliament, would be £2..10..0 a year.
Bridge at Downfield
A telephone message from the Manager of the Stroud Gas Coy had been received today stating that the Directors of that Company considered that the Stroud Urban District Council should contribute to the cost of the new bridge required and that the Secretary of the Gas Coy had been instructed to re-open the question with the Council.
It was decided that the matter stand over pending a further letter from the Stroud Gas Coy,
Half Yearly A/cs
The A/cs were examined by the Committee & explained by Mr Dudbridge, who had attended for that purpose.
It was decided to recommend that _no_ Dividend for the Half Year ending June 1931 be paid.
Next Meeting: The next Meeting of the Committee was fixed for 23^rd September 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: £1..12..6
Messrs Little & Bloxam: 18..5..2
E H Larner Rates: 11..19..9
Stroud Water Coy Rates: 1..6..0
J B Powell Rates: 1..17..6
List of Cheques drawn continued on page 393