Wed 15 Apr 1931
Stroud Sanitary Laundry agreed to rent of £30 p.a.
Messrs Ward & Son applied to rent premises at Stonehouse Wharf. Committee did not accept their terms.
Town Surveyor, Manager of Gas Works and Secretary of Messrs Strachan & Co discussed repairs to bridge at Downfield. They are to report to their Committees and then to Company. Messrs Strachan unwilling to contribute. Thames & Severn Canal.
Report of interview 27 March at Shire Hall re abandonment of T&S Canal. Comments to Ministry of Transport, copy to County Council.
Mr Cabe to rent withy bed at Junction, £1 a year.
Repairs to swing bridge at Framilode.
[1931 April] Committee Meeting held at Wallbridge on Wednesday the 15^th day of April 1931 @ 4 o'clock pm
Present: W R Bloxam. Henry R Hooper, R J C Little, Stanley Marling, J R Morton Ball.
The Memoranda of the proceedings at the Meetings held on the 19^th Feby and on the 18^th March were confirmed.
Stroud Sanitary Laundry Coy
It was reported that the Stroud Sanitary Laundry Coy had agreed to pay £30 a year rent.
The Agreement was being prepared.
Stonehouse Wharf
Messrs Ward & Son Ltd had applied to rent the premises at Stonehouse Wharf on certain terms.
The Committee directed the Clerk to inform Messrs Ward & Son that they could not accept their terms.
Tithe Redemption, Rodborough
It was reported that this matter had been completed for £3..1..11, the receipt for which was produced.
Bridge at Downfield
In accordance with the Minute of last Meeting the Clerk had seen the Town Surveyor, the Manager of the Gas Works & the Secretary of Messrs Strachan & Coy & each had promised to report to their several Committees & communicate later with the Company. A letter from Messrs Strachan had since been received stating that they did not feel inclined to contribute. The Clerk was instructed to write to M^r Cutler and suggest he should communicated with the Gas Company.
Thames & Severn Canal
A report was presented of the interview which had taken place on the 27^th March at Shire Hall, Gloucester, and it was left to the Chairman & Col Ball to draw up comments on the observations of the County Council dated 10^th Feby 1931 and to forward same to the Ministry of Transport and a copy to the County Council
Withy Bed at the Junction
M^r Cabes offer to rent the "Withy Bed", at the Junction, at £1..- a year rent was accepted.
Swing Bridge at Framilode
The Clerk was authorised to carry out certain necessary repairs to the Bridge (Swing) at Framilode.
£ s d
Balance at Lloyds Bank Stroud 1931: 217..0..9
Balance at Lloyds Bank Stroud 1930: 113..2..10.
Tonnage Jany 1931 to Ap 15 1931: 95..5..2
Tonnage Jany 1930 to Ap 15 1930: 126..9..3.
Tonnage for the month of March 1931: 21..2..7
Tonnage for the month of March 193o: 33..14..3.
Cheques drawn:
Committee fees: 1..12..6